Seems inevitable this topic would come up, and you could break it down two ways, memes about political principles, and memes about current politics. I will start with the latter, because they are the most volatile. A meme that would be an utter killer one day becomes hopelessly outdated the next. But as my first example will attest, they can sometime come back.
I made this one during the first Trump Administration (2017). Believe it or not, there were election deniers even then, although they like to pretend there were never any before or after 2020. And I despaired of ever bringing it up again, but now I want everyone to have it handy for next week’s inauguration.
Frankly, this is one of those memes you can hear.
And of course, the Incomparable GPrime85, George Alexopolis:
The fires in LA are a tragedy. And somehow, the media has SO much more sympathy for them rather than the Americans who are still suffering from the destruction in North Carolina. And unlike there, the fire disaster was self-inflicted.
And foreseeable. I did this in 2021, just over the drought at the time.
Little did I know how relevant those empty reservoirs would be today.
Sadly, the brightest fires burn out twice as fast. As heavily memeable as the Biden administration was, let’s get one last look at it.
Lots of memers commented on the composition of this particular still, but I think the title parody makes it.
Someone smartly replaced Joe’s victims with anime girls to protect their identities.
Going back further in time, you would think January 6th would be irrelevant, but the press thinks they can still somehow turn it against Trump, so they’re reviving it yet again, even if there is nothing left of the beaten horse but a greasy stain on the pavement.
They REALLY don’t like it when you remind them that they did it first, and worse.
They’re trying to bring this crap up again too.
Although it seems to be lasting as long this time as it did the last time when they tried this:
The NPCs were out in force in 2020, endlessly repeating each other in one voice.
And of course, the BlockChain Bros had to sound off as if that one tech could solve everything. But the answer is, it just makes the Garbage In just as indelible as the legit data.
You can see, this is moving more towards the former sort of meme, which remains true regardless of who’s in office.
When I saw this news photo, it really leapt out at me.
(None of these were mine, they were appropriated for the collective.)
Maybe I should have spun this section off into a second post....
There’s so much more, but coming back around to the Inauguration, one last one for Creepy Uncle Joe:
This may sound weird but I just flew to Kentucky to help my friend, who’s husband she just caught fucking himself with a dildo…we have been laughing for 15 minutes now and she just informed me that she is going to Ace Hardware and the Sex store to make that thing in the last meme and send to him…you just made her divorce decision a gift idea!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😘